Friday, February 24, 2012

The Limiting Factor II

You invest in televisions, internet, cell phones, computers, vacations, cars, fast food, and much more. Why aren’t you investing in your health and fitness? …just not worth it?
The latest LED 3-D television is well over $4,000, the nicest cars are over $30,000, the best computers are over $2,000. You will save up your money for those items that have to be replaced in a few years. Let me tell you right now, none of those things will help you feel better, live better, and have more confidence. Once you step out of your awesome car, you have to be you. You cannot hide behind your steering wheel or your new sports coat. You must face yourself in the mirror every day and say “I love you man.” If that is difficult to do, maybe it is time you searched your heart and soul for what it is you truly desire. Ask yourself, “Do I deserve to be healthy?” “Do I deserve to feel confident in myself and not my belongings?” “Am I worthy of achieving the body of my dreams, career of my dreams, and the family of my dreams?” Don’t tell me. Do not tell anybody if you deserve those things, convincing others will not make you convinced. You must feel it, walk it, and live it. When you feel that way nobody needs to be told that. People can see that you believe in your own worthiness of the things you desire. The funny thing is, when you project that kind of confidence, the people around you will want to bend over backwards to help you achieve your dreams.
Why are there teachers in this world? We all know they are underpaid and underappreciated. Why then do they do what they do? It is because they love to teach. They are on this earth to teach your children how to achieve their own dreams. Teachers do not teach for the money, they do their jobs because they are paid in love and appreciation. Not just love from their students, but love for themselves. Teachers can go home every night and know that they have positively affected at least one life for the better that day, and they can wake up the next morning knowing they will do it again. Much like a minister or preacher, it is their calling. Those are the teachers that make a difference in the lives of their students.
Being a personal trainer is the same thing. We are not doing this to be rich; that simply won’t happen. It will pay the bills and allow for us to live a somewhat normal life, but if we want to have a family, a house, and car our spouse will need to have a job as well to support that. We are doing our jobs because that is what we are supposed to do with our lives. We will put or hearts and souls into your program to help you achieve your dreams. As long as you show us that you love yourself, and show us that you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach your dreams. You do not have to convince us with your words. Often times the ones who bark about their dedications are the ones hiding behind their steering wheels and sports jackets. Those are the individuals who are trying to convince us they are working hard, or harder than everybody else. Those people are the ones who only show up to their appointments and do not put forth an ounce of effort on their nutrition. Don’t tell us you are “trying.” Show us you are doing! I cannot take another person making excuses for why they “tried, but…” I really don’t care how hard you tried, trying doesn’t do, doing does! If reaching the health and fitness goals you wrote down during your evaluation is not a priority to you then nobody can help it be. Only you can motivate yourself to achieve it. We are not here to force any rules or doctrines upon you, we are only here to bend over backwards for you and provide you the tools and resources YOU NEED TO REACH YOUR GOALS. I have never reached a student’s or client’s goal for them in my entire career. They have reached their goals. They only used my services and knowledge as their guideline. The more effort they put forth the more I could help them.
After reading this line I want you to stand up walk to the nearest mirror and peer into your eyes, stare into your soul and ask yourself a few questions. Do I love me? Do I deserve to feel healthy and confident in my skin? Am I willing to work hard for myself and believe in my ability to achieve what I want, and not just with health and fitness, but in all aspects of my life?
Life does not happen to you, you create what you do in life!

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