"Human beings are meant to be lean,
muscular, athletic creatures.”
–Charles Poliquin
One day I was listening to the world renowned strength-coach, Charles Poliquin’s pod-cast, and heard a profound statement: “human beings are meant to be lean, muscular, athletic creatures.” How strange a statement? Since the obesity rate, according to the CDC for 2010 is anywhere between 21-34%, depending upon which state you live in, and that number is rising! Indiana ranks among the most obese state at 29.6%. Obesity is measured by the body mass index (BMI) and the calculation is done by taking (weight in pounds x 703) divided by (height in inches squared). BMI Online Calculation
The Accuracy
calculation only tells part of the story. Obesity is linked to an increased
risk of many diseases ranging from diabetes to cancer, and from heart disease
to gallbladder disease. On the other hand, the BMI calculation cannot read lean
mass to fat mass ratios. It does not go any further than a simple calculation. Many
athletes today could be considered “obese” because their lean muscle tissues
cause them to weigh more than they “should” according to the BMI. On the same token, many people can weigh the
correct amount according to the BMI but have such low amounts of muscle tissue
that their fat percentage is above where they should be. Knowing where you
stand is an invaluable tool in measuring your health and fitness. Getting a
simple skin fold test by a personal trainer can give you much more information
about yourself. The procedure is painless and takes only five minutes to
complete. Please stop by a training desk or contact me at adossey@lifetimefitness.com so I
can schedule a time for the measurement with one of our trainers.
The Issue
In 1950,
the obesity rate in America was only 9.7%. A far cry from today’s 21-34%. We are meant to be lean, muscular, athletic
creatures after all. What in the world
has gone wrong? Many people start
throwing around the “L” word, as in Lazy, but the problem is we are “working”
way more hours now than we ever have. There are cell phones, e-mails, texting, Facebook,
and deadlines/goals to meet at work. The
bachelor’s degree holds about as much clout as a high school diploma did back
in 1950, so we are progressively
increasing our work load as time goes on.
I hardly think the word “lazy” should be associated with our
culture. We of course sit more, drive
more, and exercise less as a whole, but we have an estimated 100x more stress
than our grandparents. With that stress
comes more fat??? What else do we have
more of than our grandparents? Try
pollution and toxins exposure, pesticides and antibiotics in our food, as well
as hormones added to our meats. What
about less sleep, more work, and less play?
Can all of these factors be leading us to more obesity? What about the classic food pyramid,
starches are at the bottom, and proteins, oils, and dairy are at the top.
Einstein’s definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting a different result.”
Eating cereal and bagels for breakfast and pasta for dinner isn’t
working! Ordering a chicken salad “hold
the chicken please, I’ve already had my 3 servings of meat for today, but I
could use a potato on the side” isn’t working!
How do we become like what Charles Poliquin said we are supposed to be: lean,
muscular, athletic creatures.
Einstein would say do something
different. There was a time when we were
lean, muscular, athletic creatures, so why can’t we live like that? “Our
culture” you say? Well of course there
are too many external factors effecting our health and fitness such as pollution,
toxic chemicals, and stress. Many of
these external factors influence our internal functions. Cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and autism have all been linked to
chemicals in our bodies. Also we are
eating an estimated 13 different foods per week, talk about monotony! We are eating foods that our ancestors did
not have access to and many of the foods we eat cause inflammation and allergic
responses within our gut. Many adults
have food sensitivities to dairy and 33% of the population is sensitive to
gluten. We are eating foods that cause
inflammation and immune responses in our bodies that cause us to be under more
stress, feel less motivated to be active, and create sleepless nights which
lead to hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and sugar cravings.
The Cure
charge of your health America, and live the life you were supposed to
live! Be happy, lean, muscular,
athletic, inspired, motivated, and joyful!
Educate yourself on how to achieve the goals and dreams you have always
wanted. Attend a class, listen to an
expert in the field give a lecture, and research things on your own.
Dossey Training Systems has the
answers and tools you seek. We will create a customized plan for you to reach
all of your goals. A customized nutrition plan will help to create a healthy
life style. Anaerobic (weight lifting) and aerobic exercises such as basketball,
racquetball, swimming, Zumba, kickboxing, Pilates, and yoga can be wonderful cardio
strengthening activities to incorporate exercise into your everyday life. DTS
will provide you with all of the tools to meet your goals. DTS will support you
and help guide you while you begin to adjust and see the benefits of your new
life style. Life time health and fitness is the goal that we want all of our
clients to experience. Let Dossey Training Systems help and support you while
you work to meet your goal. With us you will succeed.
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